National Anthem - Lori Moomey Invocation - Paul Resner, PGA Opening Remarks - Grant Masson, PGA
PGA Lead - Marvin Herrod, PGA 2023 Section Award Winners - Nathan Charnes, PGA 2023 Hall of Fame Inductees - Brett Moomey, PGA
Central Region - Jacque Madison, PGA District 7 - Barry Howard, PGA Annual Meeting Recap - Grant Masson, PGA
"Play Through" Capital Campaign - Vern Remiger, Wendy Dyer, Flint Fowler
Nathan Charnes, PGA
Jay Delsing, PGA EyePromise Rep: Matt Carroll M: 815.519.3079
EyePromise WebsiteWilliam Bacas Vice President, MyShop Legends Global Merchandise c: 203.731.1313
MyShop GolfCommittee Chairs
Call to Meeting Recognition & Moment of Silence Approval of Minutes Officers' Reports New Business & Open Forum Officers' Closing Comments Call Meeting to a Close