The Gateway PGA Section and Sterling Cut Glass hosted the 36-hole Team Championship on Monday, June 17, at Jefferson City Country Club. Algonquin Country Club co-workers Brett Moomey and Chris Ferris edged out Jim Davey (Dalhousie Golf Club) and Brian Fogt (Bellerive Country Club) in an extra hole.
Moomey and Ferris shot an impressive 66-63 for a score of 129 (-15) through the two rounds. The two Algonquin staffers’ best nine of the day was the back nine of the second round, where they caught fire and recorded six-under.
Davey and Fogt were steady throughout the day. In the first round, they were seven-under, going three-under on the front and four-under on the back. In the afternoon session, they shot their day’s best five-under on the front and three-under on the back.
Thank you to Kevin Dunn, Jefferson City Country Club, and its staff for hosting the 36-hole Team Championship.