*These are the meeting minutes from the third Gateway Google Member Chat on April 16, 2020*

9:37 a.m. – Ali Wells (AW) makes introduction and opening comments. Mentioned special guest Mike Weinhaus, former Gateway PGA Executive Director and Coronovirus survivor. Mentioned that MSR credits are available, explained how.

Hosts: Grant Masson (GM), Brett Moomey (BM), Mike Suhre (MS), Jeffrey Field (JF) and Nathan Charnes (NC). Google Attendance sign-in for MSR credits, explained.

9:40 a.m. – AW followed up about sole proprietors/independent contractors and how they’re affected by the CARES Act and how they can seek help. Explained that the information was in Wednesday’s Chip Shots and is on the Gateway PGA COVID-19 page. AW gave brief rundown of the letter.

9:43 a.m. – AW introduced Mr. Weinhaus (MW).

9:44 a.m. – MW started with timeline of his COVID-19 case. Five family members, including MW contracted the virus, first of the five cases began on 3/8/20. Gave step-by-step on how the virus progressed and how they were affected. Gave example of symptoms and what the process felt like and looked like. Common symptoms for his family were loss of taste, smell and weight. Asked if any questions…

AW asked MW to address myths. MW said there’s only two ways to get this, transfer of droplets of saliva or touching surfaces that a carrier has touched or coughed on. Most likely way to get it is to touch a surface and then touch your face.

AW asked how MW contracted it, said wife contracted it from a preschool.

Dan Polites (DP) asked if MW and family are immune. MW said COVID-19 does not mutate quickly and were told that him and family are immune from this specific strain and were told they cannot contract this strain again.

DP asked if MW has been told that this could come back in the Fall/Winter. MW said his opinion is that it would just continue and be contained.

MW stated that it’s important to wear your mask, ask yourself if it’s worth the risk before you leave your house.

AW thanked MW and MW stated that if anyone knows of anyone that has the virus and has questions to contact MW. Ended conversation.

9:58 a.m. – AW continued with normal business. AW asked if the officers or NC have anything to mention to the group.

MS echoed MW’s sentiment of “is it worth the risk?” when you go out. MS urged everyone to take that idea to heart.

AW mentioned that Kristi Egnot (KE) and Doug Turner (DT) are on the call.

10:00 a.m. – BM asked if AW and NC could explain the Relief Fund. NC stated that you can apply for funds but also make donations to the fund that are tax deductible. NC expressed that it’s a great chance to get relief. NC addressed why it’s open to whole golf industry and not just PGA Members and it’s because of legality and inurement.

DT commented that there’s an anticipation that the system to get on will be “overrun” when it opens at 2 p.m. Addressed the question of “who can apply?” and it’s essentially for those and anyone that’s been hurt financially or lost revenue.

DT & BM continued conversation about the relief fund and examples of lost revenue and why everyone should apply if there’s been a loss, big or small.

10:03 a.m. – Mark Christensen (MC) asked if anyone knew of any lobbying in Illinois government to open golf in the same way that they are in Missouri. AW and NC addressed.

AW said she’d share what she knows from Illinois PGA E.D. and gave timeline of the order in Illinois, when it began and why it was taken back. Since, the word has been that PGA and allied golf associations and lobbyists had asked for golf being included but had potential negative affect. Now, looking to curb the idea that golf doesn’t understand the current climate and there’s no longer a hard push on the state level. However, being encouraged to go to city and county levels to see what can be done. Might have better luck seeking county dispensation.

AW deferred to NC for more. NC added more comments and numbers. 46 states with executive orders (30 allow golf, 16 prohibit golf but allow maintenance). No state has prohibited both golf and maintenance. NC suggested someone in Illinois seek out Scott Hovis with MGA and how he went about talking to the government. NC stated that the Illinois order currently goes until May 1st.

MS stated that Illinois sent a similar letter to Illinois government.

DT asked MS if him and other courses in Southern Illinois have talked to local government but told that local government cannot go against the State order and ultimately the State can shut the course down.

10:17 a.m. – AW asked if anyone else has comments?

GM talked about pushing the narrative that golf is an opportunity for positive mental health outlet, people need the hope.

MS and GM echoed previous comments about keeping hope and keeping everyone safe at all costs.

10:22 a.m. – AW asked for any other comments

DT urged everyone to go to the link on PGA.org that asked who can apply for government assistance.

10:23 a.m. – AW ended call and gave code for MSR sign-in. Asked for submission of topics for next week’s call.