Boys and Girls Club Best Buy Teen Tech Center set for “Soft” Opening Week of January 14th

It is with extreme excitement we announce progress made with the Boys and Girls Club on the Best Buy Teen Tech Center.  As we continue to make an impact on students in the N. St. Louis area Gateway PGA REACH has put significant resources into building the Best Buy Teen Tech Center.  The space is designed to serve as an outlet to learn about and work with some of the best technology and has the mission to “provide a fun interactive learning space where teens explore technology to discover new interests, collaborate with one another, and prepare for the future.”  Included in the space are 16 desktops, 3-D printers, video equipment & green screen recording studio & engineer booth equipment, the most up to date software, printers, wall monitors, custom furniture, and wall graphics. The Boys and Girls Club Best Buy Teen Tech Center will be the first of its kind in St. Louis and the 9th built nationally.  Feel free to check out the link below for more information and to check out what will be coming to a neighborhood near you!