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2023 Herb Graffis Nomination

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Urban Golf of St. Louis

“I was an ‘act now, think later’ type of person. As I participated more in the program, it opened my eyes and broadened my horizons. I realized there’s a better future and I’m a much better person than I was back then,” she expressed to Danielle Brown of The St. Louis American in 2021.



2023 PGA ABLE Albert Pujols Wellness Center for Adults with Down's Syndrome Graduation

Quotes about PGA ABLE Programming

“Wednesdays are for golf at Ranken Jordan,” Corn said to Beth Ann Nichols of Golf Week in December, 2020. “For nearly 10 years now Corn, head pro at Innsbrook Resort, has been finding creative ways with the staff to make golf therapy part of the recovery process for any kid who shows an interest at the St. Louis hospital,” the article went on to say.

The impact that Corn has had on patients is second to none. Just as impressive is the impact he has had with patient’s families, showing them what their kids CAN do. He recalled the time one mom in particular asked where she could buy the clubs her son was using at therapy. Corn suggested Golf Galaxy or the U.S. Kids Golf website. “No,” she said, “the ones my son is using. They are special clubs, right?” No ma’am, Corn told her. “My son,” the woman replied through tears, “has never used anything normal in his life.”


Fernando Molina

“I am honored and grateful to have been the first PGA WORKS Fellow out of the Gateway PGA Section and PGA REACH Gateway Foundation,” Molina mentioned when asked about his experience. “I was able to take my professional career to a new level thanks to the experiences and opportunities that the PGA WORKS Fellowship provided for me. I would not be where I am today without the PGA WORKS Fellowship.”

Natalie Long

“The PGA WORKS Fellowship was pivotal in starting my career in golf,” Long stated. “The fellowship provided opportunities, connections, and mentorship that have shaped me personally and professionally. I would not be in the position I am in today without the fellowship!”

Cameron Dinkins

When talking about her time with the Gateway Section she said, “I am very thankful for my time in the Gateway Section as a PGA WORKS Fellow. As a non-golfer, it truly broadened my horizon to the golf industry's opportunities. It was the first step to my career within the industry, and I'm forever grateful to Ali Wells and the other Gateway staff for taking me under their wing and molding me into the professional I am today.”

Mackenzie Myers

“My PGA WORKS Fellowship experience was an incredible kickstarter to my career in the golf industry, one I never thought I would have,” Myers mentioned. “The Gateway Section and PGA REACH Gateway Foundation gave me the opportunity to explore my interests, learn new skills, and expand my network immediately out of college. Ali Wells, and the entire Gateway Section staff have let me flourish into the person I am today. I would not be where I am without them or the experiences from my PGA WORKS Fellowship in 2021-22!”


Secretary's Cup

In 2018, when the 100th PGA Championship was in St. Louis at Bellerive Country Club, the Gateway Section proudly had a team compete in the second-ever Secretary’s Cup at Whitmoor Country Club. A testament to the success of the HOPE Programs and the involvement of PGA Professionals and Veterans in the program, the Gateway Section has sent two more teams to the Secretary’s Cup. In 2019, a team went to Bethpage State Park in Farmingdale, New York and most recently, four Veterans and PGA Professional Jon DePriest went to Penfield Country Club in Rochester, New York this past May. 

When the event came to St. Louis in 2018, DePriest had great things to say about host Brian Maine, PGA and Whitmoor Country Club, “Brian created this environment that was amazing. There were a lot of Vietnam veterans that participated and they never truly felt welcome back from their service. Brian had his Junior League program stand with flags and sharpies on the 18th green where they asked veterans for their autograph. It was a very moving experience.”

Meet our 2023 Secretary's Cup Team




Junior Tour Growth