@ 9:32 a.m. = 14 attendees

9:32 a.m. – Ali Wells (AW) makes introduction and opening comments. Google Attendance sign-in for MSR credits, explained.

Hosts: Ali Wells (AW), Grant Masson (GM), Brett Moomey (BM), Mike Suhre (MS), Jeffrey Field (JF) and Nathan Charnes (NC).

9:33 a.m. – AW opened meeting asking if anyone had any questions regarding Back2Golf Guidelines for PGA of America that she could answer or pass to PGA of America. Gave a brief synopsis of the guidelines.

9:35 a.m. – Kristi Egnot (KE) gave update on status of the PGA Jr. League season. Takeaways are that they have cancelled the season championships and the season is delayed until June 1st, at the earliest. If able to play on June 1st as a city, county state, then you can begin playing.

9:40 a.m. – AW reiterated that Member Dues (National and Section) are pushed back to a October 31st due date.

9:44 a.m. – AW gave brief rundown and rehash of Section events that are being planned and what the schedule potentially looks like in the future. Asked officers if they had anything to add.

9:45 a.m. – MS urged everyone to stay healthy, wear your mask and be smart.

9:47 a.m. – JF talked about using the term “physical distancing” because golf is a “social” game. Implies that you need to stay 6-feet apart but can still be social.

9:47 a.m. – BM talked about his enhanced operations at Old Hickory.

9:52 a.m. – MS talked about some of the creative things that him and other facilities are using and practicing. JF talked about someone he knows that did a cool activation for their club. MS talked about doing the Senior Scramble still.

9:56 a.m. – AW asked Doug Turner (DT) if he had any updates for the group. DT gave a brief update and talked about showing value to our PGA Members and the facilities that they work at.

10:00 a.m.- AW gave instructions how to sign-in to redeem MSR credits. AW wrapped up the meeting and asked if anyone has ideas in the future to call her. Ended meeting.